Guinea third term weather forecast: Constitutional storm in a clearing West African sky
The Guinean opposition have rejected the underlying intention, as well as process and content of the draft Constitution. Beyond the third term controversy, while the draft includes token substantive improvements, it empowers the presidency and weakens checks and balances. Guinea may be bracing for a new constitution and prolonged instability – writes Dr Ibrahima Amadou Niang.
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Guinea-Bissau’s political paralysis: Potential and risks of constitutional reform process
Despite the recognised need for constitutional reform, new President Embaló’s establishment of an independent constitutional reform commission has been criticised as modifying legally prescribed process for constitutional change. Although the commission’s work is expected to be submitted to the National Assembly, given the political context, caution is necessary to ensure that the process of constitutional reform does not exacerbate political tension – writes
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Quelles solutions pour renforcer la crédibilité des commissions électorales indépendantes en Afrique de l’Ouest ?
La Conférence des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de la CEDEAO, dans le communiqué final (http://bit.ly/2dGbQQz) de sa session extraordinaire du 12 septembre 2015 à Dakar, au Sénégal, après avoir “examiné le rôle et le fonctionnement des commissions électorales indépendantes dans l’organisation des élections dans la région”, a “… instruit la Commission [de la CEDEAO]
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