Celine Dion is one of my favourite R&B artists of all time, and the theme of her songs often centres around love and its unchanging nature—its constancy. She has many albums dedicated to this inexhaustible theme of love, but one song that particularly comes to mind is Rain, Tax (It’s Inevitable). Essentially, she says that rain and taxes are two inevitable things… and it made me think of other things in life that are inevitable: death, age, change. She even references change in the song, comparing it to fashion, and saying that love is not like fashion. Its essence remains the same… but those who have loved for many years know that even love evolves, although its core constancy remains.
While change suggests a transitory movement, it is also a constant—carrying within it the paradox of a double-edged sword. It can be wielded for good or for ill. If we do nothing, change still occurs. Like an uncultivated field, it may become overgrown with weeds. Or like a blank canvas left untouched, it may deteriorate with time.
But if we choose to do something—cultivate the field, or paint on the blank canvas—change occurs too. The difference lies in the outcomes. And maybe we shouldn’t be too focused on outcomes, because a farmer’s seed might sometimes disappoint, or a painting might not project the true effort of the painter… but effort in itself must be commended.
This idea aligns so well with the message in Udo Jude Ilo’s book, It Is Possible. The book believes that, however intractable a situation might seem, positive social change is not impossible. And it’s not just a belief or some lazy hope—the ideas shared in the book show how this change can happen.
Today, in our country, where we all genuinely desire a paradigm shift in every sphere of our national life, this book serves as a reminder that change is possible. It reignites the passion to be activists, or as Aisha Yesufu likes to say, active citizens. Having spent many years living that life, Udo Jude Ilo lends his voice—sometimes vociferously, other times behind the scenes, but never losing its impact.
Reading this book feels like being at the right place at the right time, with an opportunity to make it count.